The number of species present in the area is very high. In the list below you'll find 78 species of butterflies. These are only the species we were able to take good pictures of. The list probably will continue to grow.
Some of the species are rare, even by Hungarian standards : clouded Apollo, scarce fritillary... It's safe to say that much of the species of the list are scarce or even have disappeared from many European regions, while they are readily seen in Magyarlukafa. (large copper, heath fritillary, lesser purple emperor, silver-studded blue, duke of Burgundy...).
There are not only many different species, on a good day the sheer number of butterflies flying around can be impressive too.
Swallowtails | Papilionidae | |
Scarce swallowtail | Iphiclides podalirius | |
Swallowtail | Papilio machaon | |
Clouded Apollo | Parnassius mnemosyne | |
Fritillaries, nymphalids and browns | Nymphalidae | |
Lesser purple emperor | Apatura ilia | |
Small pearl-bordered fritillary | Boloria selene | |
Weaver's fritillary | Boloria dia | |
Queen of Spain fritillary | Issoria lathonia | |
High brown fritillary | Argynnis adippe | |
Silver-washed fritillary | Argynnis paphia | |
Cardinal | Argynnis pandora | |
Marbled fritillary | Brenthis daphne | |
Scarce fritillary | Euphydryas maturna | |
Heath fritillary | Melitaea athalia | |
Nickerl's fritillary | Melitaea aurelia | |
Assmann's fritillary | Melitaea britomartis | |
False heath fritillary | Melitaea diamina | |
Knapweed fritillary | Melitaea phoebe | |
Lesser spotted fritillary | Melitaea trivia | |
Spotted fritillary | Melitaea didyma | |
Glanville fritillary | Melitaea cinxia | |
Map (spring generation) | Araschnia levana f. levana | |
Map (summer generation) | Araschnia levana f. prorsa | |
Comma | Polygonia c-album | |
Peacock butterfly | Aglais io | |
Small tortoiseshell | Aglais urticae | |
Large tortoiseshell | Nymphalis polychloros | |
Red admiral | Vanessa atalanta | |
Painted lady | Vanessa cardui | |
European beak | Libythea celtis | |
Hungarian glider (Mecsek, not in Magyarlukafa) | Neptis rivularis | |
Common glider | Neptis sappho | |
Pearly heath | Coenonympha arcania | |
Chestnut heath | Coenonympha glycerion | |
Small heath | Coenonympha pamphilus | |
Marbled white | Melanargia galathea | |
Speckled wood | Pararge aegeria tircis | |
Meadow brown | Maniola jurtina | |
Gatekeeper | Pyronia tithonus | |
Ringlet | Aphantopus hyperantus | |
Dryad | Minois dryas | |
Great banded grayling | Brintesia circe | |
Wall brown | Lasiommata megera | |
False grayling | Arethusana arethusa | |
Blues, coppers and hairstreaks | Lycaenidae | |
Provençal short-tailed blue | Cupido alcetas | |
Short-tailed blue | Cupido argiades | |
Holly blue | Celastrina argiolus | |
Green-underside blue | Glaucopsyche alexis | |
Brown argus | Aricia agestis | |
Silver-studded blue | Plebejus argus | |
Reverdin's blue | Plebejus argyrognomon | |
Common blue | Polyommatus icarus | |
Mazarine blue | Polyommatus semiargus | |
Adonis blue | Polyommatus bellargus | |
Large copper | Lycaena dispar rutilus | |
Small copper | Lycaena phlaeas | |
Sooty copper | Lycaena tityrus | |
Lesser fiery copper | Lycaena thersamon | |
Sloe hairstreak | Satyrium acaciae | |
Black hairstreak | Satyrium pruni | |
White-letter hairstreak | Satyrium w-album | |
Brown hairstreak | Thecla betulae | |
Duke of Burgundy | Hamearis lucina | |
Whites and yellows | Pieridae | |
Berger's clouded yellow | Colias alfacariensis | |
Pale clouded yellow | Colias hyale | |
Clouded yellow | Colias croceus | |
Brimstone | Gonepteryx rhamni | |
Orange tip | Anthocharis cardamines | |
Eastern Bath white | Pontia edusa | |
Green-veined white | Pieris napi | |
Large white | Pieris brassicae | |
Small white | Pieris rapae | |
Wood white | Leptidea sinapis | |
Skippers | Hesperiidae | |
Mallow skipper | Carcharodus alceae | |
Large chequered skipper | Heteropterus morpheus | |
Chequered skipper | Carterocephalus palaemon | |
Dingy skipper | Erynnis tages | |
Silver-spotted skipper | Hesperia comma | |
Large skipper | Ochlodes sylvanus | |
Essex skipper | Thymelicus lineola | |
Small skipper | Thymelicus sylvestris | |
Grizzled skipper | Pyrgus malvae |